I'm New

We can't wait to meet you this Sunday

Who we are

Ridgeview Baptist Church is a family of individuals and families who are seeking to love, serve, and share Jesus. We are located in Stuarts Draft, VA and have families from all over Augusta County and beyond. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to glorify God by introducing Christ to our world and equipping His people for a life of devotion and service. 

Our beliefs

Ridgeview is committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ and the truth of God's Word. 

Our Values

Our church runs on a set of core values that guide how we minister as a church.

What to expect

What is the service like?

A typical service on Sunday morning will last about 60 minutes. We sing a variety of contemporary and traditional music that is led by our worship team.

What should I wear?

You're invited to come as you are! You will find people here dressed casually and others in suits or dresses. However you come, you are welcome here. 

What about my kids?

We provide programming during the Worship Service for kids from nursery to 6th grade. We have nurseries for Infants and Toddlers, a Preschool class and our TreeHouse Kids Worship for kids in Kindergarten through 6th grade. All programming with kids is led by loving adults and high school students who have all been background-checked. 

Anything else?

Check out our Welcome desk in the foyer where you can gather information and meet some of our hospitality team.

Be sure to stick around after the service for fellowship and meeting new people.

How to Find us

124 Ridgeview Drive
Stuarts Draft, VA 24477

“Corporate worship is designed to remind you that in the center of all things is a glorious and gracious King, and this king is not you.”

Paul David Tripp

Worship Service

Our Main Worship Service starts at 10:30a each Sunday. We are led by our Worship team to sing a blend of old and new songs. The Word of God is preached each Sunday by Pastor Don or one of our other pastors. 

Kids Worship

The TreeHouse Kids Worship meets on Sundays during the 10:30a Worship Service. Kids will worship and learn more about how the Gospel is seen in every aspect of the Bible. This is done in a very fun and engaging environment. 

Yth Gathering

7th-12th grade students gather every Wednesday Night for time away from the normal distractions of life, and a time towards connecting with the Lord and with other students and volunteers.